Ghosts vs. Humans
A downloadable game
Ghosts vs. Humans
Platform: Print-to-play
Genre: Board game
Rating: E
Target Market: Ages 6+, casual gamers
Game Overview: There is a conflict brewing between the humans and the ghosts of the regions. They are beginning to attack each other’s castles in the hopes of destroying them. You must be the first group to destroy the other through the use of resources and actions, and convert them to your side.
Game Mechanics:
- The players begin in their own castle on a blank spot with no cards to start with. The first player will roll the die (d6) and move the respective places. Players may move vertically and horizontally however they please but may not move diagonally. The process will be repeated by the next player.
- Each player will be given a health/player card that must be used to keep track of their current health state. The player cards are made with sliders to avoid needing to write the number. Writing the number down is acceptable if preferred.
- There are two piles for cards, one for humans and one for ghosts. The player will pick a card from their respective pile when prompted. Cards may be used ONLY during a player's turn, and a description of the action is on the card to assist the player in its use. Players on the same team are allowed to know their teammate's action cards in order to strategize. When a card is "stolen," it is simply put in the correlating discard pile. (Epic cards cannot be discarded and will be returned to the draw pile.)
- If the player lands on a space that requires a coin flip to decide if a card may be picked from the top of the deck, then you will flip the coin. Heads means that the player may choose a card, and tails means that the player may not choose a card.
- When a player is killed/revived, they are converted to the opposite side, and respawn at the correlating castle. (cards previously held by a defeated player are discarded. Epic cards go back into the deck). The game continues until one of the two teams ceases to exist. (Humans may use the defib and the rillator together to revive ghosts, and ghosts will attempt to kill humans via attacking with monster cards)
- A player may equip a maximum of 2 shield cards at one time. When a shield is attacked, if the number is higher than the shield, the shield will block the matching amount of damage and the excess damage hits the player (ex: 6 damage -> 4 shield. Shield breaks, player takes 2 damage. Broken shields are discarded.) If a shield's defense number is higher than the attack number, the attack does nothing and the shield retains its defense number.
- Tennis racket example: 6 damage -> 2 defense. Racket breaks (discard racket) and player takes 4 damage. ADDITIONALLY, the attacking player would take 3 damage, which is half of 6. If a number is odd and cannot be halved, instead of a decimal, round down to the nearest whole number. (Ex: initial 5 damage reflected would be 2 instead of 2.5. If the initial attack is only 1, the racket reflects no damage.)
- Once cards are discarded, they are put in a discard pile separate from the draw pile. Both the ghosts and the humans have separate discard piles. Legendary cards CANNOT be discarded, and will instead be put back in the draw pile. However, once a draw pile is exhausted, the discard pile will be recycled back into the draw pile.
Game Design Team:
Rowan Brown - Game Designer
Seth Baardson - Game Designer
Trenton Tabler - Game Designer
Status | Prototype |
Category | Physical game |
Author | ttabler03 |
Tags | Board Game, Ghosts, physical-game, Print & Play |
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